Quantum Creation Thinktank

Friday, August 14, 2009

Manifest your Dreams through effective Goal setting

For over thirty years Neuro Linguistic Programming, also called NLP, has developed many processes and techniques to help people achieve excellence. All of our patterns and habits are anchored in our neurology and our language patterns reflect what is going on in our brain. For example a person who says: “I am trying to loose weight." is actually setting themselves up for failure by HOW they are talking about their outcome. A much more positive and useful way of expressing that outcome might be something like: "I am currently achieving my perfect weight." These little differences in how we express ourselves have huge effects when it comes to the reality we are creating.
Quantum Physics shows us clearly that we are creating our own reality. And Quantum NLP suggests that this happens through the use of our thoughts. You can also say that we become what we think.
Now, the interesting fact is that a lot of people believe that they are stuck with their habits, their patterns, their limiting beliefs and whatever else they carry around with them. Quantum NLP has taught me that we can change our thought patterns, which will automatically lead to different behaviors, better habits and more empowering beliefs. I have observed it over and over again with myself, my family, my friends, my clients and students and my audiences: That we can absolutely change an aspect of our life in a meaningful manner to a new way that is holistic and lasting.
Quantum NLP is based on a very simple and at the same time profound idea. "We are all responsible for creating our own reality." And this happens through the use of our thoughts.
My intent is to help you identify your thought patterns that create incongruence in your life. When we are not congruent and aligned, things show up, that we don't really want, like relationships that don't work, money issues, having an accident or getting sick.
All of these issues and problems are the direct result of people's internal thought patterns. When I work with my clients I help them to identify their thought patterns and then we can figure out ways to replace those with more useful ones. And the beautiful thing is, it is already all available in their neurology. I love the idea that we already have all the resources and answers we need within us. It is just a matter of practicing the muscle. Just like when someone starts going to the gym, the exercises that seem so hard in the beginning are becoming easy so quickly because the muscle gets used to the workout. It is exactly the same with the neurology in your brain.
There is a famous quote that change is the only consistent in life. It is a natural part of life. Just think for a moment about the many changes you already have been through in your own life. Moving to a new house or city, visiting different schools during your education, getting in and out of relationships, marrying, having children, and much, much more. Just alone in your career path I can imagine how many changes you have had. Life is full of changes and you have gone through changes many times successfully.
Essentially, change is quite easy. It just depends on three factors:
First of all: That you really want the change.
Second: That you give yourself a chance to change.
And last: That you know how to change.
By you picking up this book I already know: first of all, that you are willing to change and secondly, that you are giving yourself a chance to change. The information I am sharing with you about the structure of change and the process I will lead you through are giving you the "Know How", also known as the "strategy" to change.
It definitely helps to know your starting point and what it is you really want. Just like a car that is traveling from point A to point B, you need to have your point A and point B in place in order to plan a path to get to your goal.
Now it is almost time for you to fully experience in your own neurology the actual transformation of a dream into an achievable goal. We will do this by integrating the structure of effective goal setting into your neurology. Your brain always makes the best choice possible with the options and resources it has available. So when an innovative and different possibility is being offered, the brain loves the opportunity to explore new neuro pathways and with practice these pathways will become long term neuro connections. Having this new network in your brain naturally leads to integrating more empowering beliefs, behaviors and patterns.

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Monday, November 17, 2008


This must be my once a year -blog, at least up until now. Things are changing, because this blog is from now on the home for the VISIONARY BUSINESS THINKTANK.

As I am one of those people who likes to come up with an idea and puts it into practice and then sees what needs to get changed, I am writing this blog - even though I am only partly sure what the purpose of this new group is and how it's all going to work.

For now, what I know is:

Visionary Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. People who believe in making a major contribution to the planet by the way they run their business and contribute to their society.

By getting together in a structured meeting once a month and by being in contract throughout the month through diverse methods, the participants of the group stay in a consistent high vibratory state.

Higher productivity, better results in all areas of business building. Greater contribution to the community because a thriving business can give more and has more to share.

What makes this group special is that everybody involved makes a contribution in helping the group keep the high vibration. Different roles are available. There will be community involvement and community projects.

For now that's where I'm at with the project. Our first meeting is in January 2009. We will have a yahoo group as well. Also, my friend Michelle is working on a technical support group for small business owners, which is extremely exciting.

More thoughts later on.


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Saturday, December 15, 2007

What's happening

The original idea behind creating the Quantum Creation Thinktank was to brainstorm with likeminded people the possibilities we have in using the Law of Attraction in our lives. Out of that idea the Law of Attraction Club was born, which meets once a month, has a master mind group and a newsletter going out to the members through our yahoo group. With your FREE Membership you will receive the monthly newsletter and invitation to Club Meetings and the Master Mind Group. To sign up go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lawofattractionclub/

Now that this group has been around for a year I am starting to really get the ramnifications of the Quantum aspects of using the Law of Attraction. My favorite part in the movie "What the Bleep do we know" is the interview with Dr. John Haegelin where he shares the story about the meditation project in Washington DC in the early 90s. The power of people coming together and meditating for a specific outcome is absolutely profound and there is so much evidence and research at this point that I am extremely hopeful that we can turn around virtually any issue we are currently facing on this planet.

More to come as I explore, research and practice.

Be well,


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Quantum Leap into the Law of Attraction

Dear friends,

Greetings to you. What I am discovering at this point is to allow myself to fully experience the Law of Attraction on all levels to its fullest possible degrees. As great as that sounds, in my world there is a lot of fear associated with this whole idea of "Fully allowing" "Surrendering" or "Letting it just happen", because after all - I'm a control freak!

And for people who like to be in control of their destiny, those who have their lists of future accomplishments stashed in a safe place, looking at them ever so often, reminding themselves of their successes to come. - Allowing it to happen? Versus proactively creating it?

Currently I am playing with the idea that it is both happening at the same time. It is such a magical creation and barely even explainable on this physical plane of reality.

It's both, my friend, simultaneously! We set the goal and take the appropriate steps, which is the proactive creation part. As we also set our intent, which is the state of love and gratitude, that supports the goal, then completely let it go, which is the allowing and surrendering part.

Trust is the main key here. The trust that by taking these steps our dreams really can come true. To this day I am still surprised and amazed when it happens. As these attractions of extremely positive events and circumstances increase ever so much I am challenging myself to raise the bar to what I allow myself to believe is truly possible here.

I am starting to understand the concept that the universe does expand the exact same amount of energy to help someone attract $ 1.00 or $ 1000.00. There is no difference in how much the universe has to work to make this happen. When thinking about life that way, the most amazing and miraculous things are possible.

Can you imagine a lot of people coming together and using these principles to create the kind of loving and compassionate world we are all dreaming about? To implement such a movement we all can just start by holding our own vision of that possible future and trusting that our vision combined with other people's visions will raise the level of vibration for the whole planet. The more love and compassion we experience in our own lives, the more we naturally exude that energy and raise the vibration level of those around us.

Many blessings to you,


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Friday, February 02, 2007

More Tips for the "Perfect Mindset"

Giving thanks consistently is the best way to stay in the perfect mindset. Start by finding people, things and circumstances that are around you right now, like the fact that you are sitting in a warm house, that you have clothes to wear and that there is food in the refrigerator. Think of the people you love and who are dear to your heart. Give yourself credit for all the good you have attracted to you.

Give thanks for the past. Everything that has happened up until now has come into your life for a reason. There was a higher purpose for it to show up in your life. Being grateful for the past and what it has taught you is a much constructive way to view your life because it will automatically reflect in your attitude about the future. Your view of the past and your expectation of the future are essentially the same!

Visualize your future as you want it to be. Communicate your intent to the universe and let it know what you want. I believe, the more we ask from our highest integrity and purpose, any wish can come true. Step into your highest purpose, imagine what you want to bring to the greatest good of all of humanity? What is your unique contribution? Visualize yourself acting in alignment with your highest purpose. Which new activities would you like to include into your life?

Give thanks for the present. Cherish everything that you already have in your life. Be grateful for anything you can think of. Make it a ritual to give thanks for your day. Either when you wake up, count your blessings or when you go to bed, give thanks for what you have experienced during the day. In our family, every day at the dinner table we give thanks for the events, people and circumstances we attracted to us throughout the day. It is such a wonderful ritual and I love how it ends the day in such a beautiful state of gratefulness. Find your own way to give thanks, something that speaks to you personally.

In Hawaiian the word ALOHA means love. Now the definition of ALOHA is a little different from how we usually understand the word love. I learned a long time ago, that the word ALOHA literally means: “To be with what is”, which can put a twist on how we perceive love in our lives. Imagine to just be with what is. Take some of the most annoying circumstances in your life, the things you complain about - and just be with them. Accept them as they are. Can you feel the ALOHA, when you do that? Excellent.

Law of Attraction Club

Law of Attraction Club Letter, Volume 2 - Nr. 6, February 1st, 2007
by Christiane Turner, Quantum NLP

Dear Club Members,

Greetings to you. How has your year been so far? What miracles might have already occured in your life or are in the making of? Take a moment and think about the many blessings that have already come your way in the first month of 2007. This is such an exciting time to be here on this planet and to be part of this magnificant transformation we are going through as humanity.

That is the reason for the existence of this Club. To pull people together, who believe in using the Law of Attraction in their own lives as they are part of a group that encourages and supports each other in an effort to create the kind of community that naturally attracts like minded people.

Last month we had our very first meeting in the form of a potluck. Many thanks to all of you who were there and shared your beautiful energy. We will sure do that again. In talking with people, there is a lot of interest in regular events.

Our next official gathering:

Sunday, February 18th, 2007 from 1.30 - 2.30 pm at the Lotus, the Feng Shui Store at the Factory Outlet Mall on 12101 South in Draper (just east of the Freeway). Phone 619-0524.

Our agenda for the meeting - in honor of the Chinese New Year:

Welcome and Intent - Christiane Turner
Energy Circle - Angela Gifford
Treasuremapping Ceremony - Jan Magner
Future Projection and Closing - Christiane Turner

Bring your friends and family who are interested in the Law of Attraction and want to find out more how to use it in their lives. This is a free event and open to the public.

Before the meeting, from 12.00 - 1.00 pm, join our friends Angela Gifford and Greg Carter in their Qi Gong Practice Session right there at the Lotus. That way your energy is already vibrating so high by the time the Club meeting starts.

Story of the month:

The miracles I get to observe in people's transformation are absolutely amazing. The moment someone opens up their window of perception and allows the Law of Attraction to work, the most seemingly impossible things all of a sudden become real.

This last week our friend Cory had a lifelong dream come true, when she gathered with her family and friends to celebrate her graduation from Westminster College. She now has a degree in education and will work as a teacher, something she had wanted to do for a long time. When she started to use the Law of Attraction in her life - and especially as a student - her old fears fell away and she was able to complete all courses, including the dreaded algebra class, in the time frame she had imagined.

Congratulations, Cory! Your accomplishment is a shining example to all of us and allows us to fulfull our own dreams more easily.

Encouragement for practice:

What are your dreams that you really want to fulfill? What are the fears that might have held you back in the past from fulfilling your dreams? Use the Law of Attraction to help you overcome your fears. Acknowledge your parts that are afraid, nurture and just love them. Our parts always want to protect us, want to make sure we are safe. When our parts are acknowledged they are much more willing to work with us.
BE GRATEFUL to your parts and send them lots of LOVE.

One more workshop this winter season:

I am doing the Law of Attraction workshop called "Master of Manifestation" one more time this winter on Saturday, February 17th from 10.00 am - 1.00 pm. Please let your friends and family know so they can be part of it. Call me for more information at 979-4799.

Like always, please stay in touch, share your stories, be an active participant in the creation of this special community. I am open to any help and ideas you can offer. Thank you.

Be well and I am very much looking forward to connecting with you again,


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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Perfect Mindset

Tips to help you create and stay in the perfect Mindset.

If you find yourself having negative thoughts you can immediately get a better attitude by shifting your body. Move around, straighten your shoulders, stretch, yawn, make some funny faces. Any of these little shifts will make a difference in how you will think. Our mind, body and spirit really are one, changing one part will automatically effect the other parts.

If negative thoughts persist, ask yourself what your positive intention is for having those thoughts. What I mean by this is: How do the negative thoughts serve you? What is their higher purpose? For example, if you are having thoughts of frustration, ask yourself how the frustration serves you on a higher level, or the anger, the sadness, etc. The answers usually are quite surprising and will give you a great insight what that feeling really wants for you.

If you deal with other people, who have negative behaviors towards you or others, just step into their shoes for a moment to figure out what must be going on inside them to have the kind of behaviors they are exhibiting. There is always a higher, positive intent for what they are doing. Give them credit that they are doing the best they can with the resources they have available at the moment.

If you deal with a person who has negative behaviors or thought patterns, just remember that the most flexible part in the system controls the environment (which cybernetics has proven). What that means is: The mindset of the person who is more flexible in the situation will prevail in the system. If the other person is mean, angry, critical, etc., you can change the interaction by being in a place of compassion, caring and love. They will automatically follow you.

If you catch yourself or others having negative thought patterns or behaviors, remember that you are just missing resources at that moment. All we need to get from point A to B are resources. If you are mad, angry, sad, etc. ask yourself, what resource you are missing in that moment. Is it freedom, love, peace, oneness, etc? Then think of a time when you truly had access to that resource. Remember that time, be there again. Give that resource to yourself right here and now where you need it.


To learn more about "The Perfect Mindset" join my FREE TELESEMINAR

Date: Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Time: 6:00 PM (MST)

Location: Your Telephone!

Investment: FREE (AMAZING!!!)

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Thursday, December 28, 2006


An Expert’s Look at How to use language more effectively to stimulate new growth in your neurology

"Quantum NLP - Thought into Manifestation" by Christiane Turner

Growing up in postwar Germany Christiane's dream of living in the USA and having her own business were seemingly impossible. And yet, even as a child she was already a master at setting high goals and accomplishing them easily. Once introduced to positive thinking Christiane knew she had found her calling by holding a vision of spreading Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) around the world. As international NLP Trainer she has taught thousands of people across the globe how to create effective change by rewiring their neurology through language.

Christiane is quickly becoming a worldwide thought leader for the leading edge of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) by taking it to the next level - the integration of NLP with quantum physics. With her beautiful voice and European accent she invites her listeners on a magical journey into the realm of possibility and change:

- Manifest your dreams through effective goal setting.
- Create internal alignment and congruence.
- Deal with your fears.
- Heal your past.
- Create your own success story.
- Support your goals through behavioral skill building.
- Embark on your own visionary journey.
- Become a Master of Manifestation.

The audiobook is available for download on iTunes, Amazon.com and many other internet stores. Just google "Quantum NLP" or "Christiane Turner".

You can hear a free preview on


“Christiane has a unique and uncommon passion for NLP. Her dynamic combination of strength and gentleness allows her to lead clients and participants to break-through change. She is a thought-leader with an unforgettable presence in the NLP world. Keep your eye on her. She is someone to watch as her vision grows and her influence spreads."
Lyn Christian PMP, MCC, CFCC
President Soul Salt Inc.

“This is an audio program that I highly recommend from just knowing Christiane and her work! I love how good she is at knowing the right thing to say and do. She is intuitive and definitely is a person that might just change your life forever! Do yourself a favor and treat yourself with this gift because you will absolutely love to play this program over and over! Christiane has made her dream come true for herself and she will help you make your dreams and goals come true too!”
Gary Nordgren
Life Coach