Quantum Creation Thinktank

Saturday, December 15, 2007

What's happening

The original idea behind creating the Quantum Creation Thinktank was to brainstorm with likeminded people the possibilities we have in using the Law of Attraction in our lives. Out of that idea the Law of Attraction Club was born, which meets once a month, has a master mind group and a newsletter going out to the members through our yahoo group. With your FREE Membership you will receive the monthly newsletter and invitation to Club Meetings and the Master Mind Group. To sign up go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lawofattractionclub/

Now that this group has been around for a year I am starting to really get the ramnifications of the Quantum aspects of using the Law of Attraction. My favorite part in the movie "What the Bleep do we know" is the interview with Dr. John Haegelin where he shares the story about the meditation project in Washington DC in the early 90s. The power of people coming together and meditating for a specific outcome is absolutely profound and there is so much evidence and research at this point that I am extremely hopeful that we can turn around virtually any issue we are currently facing on this planet.

More to come as I explore, research and practice.

Be well,



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