Quantum Creation Thinktank

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Perfect Mindset

Tips to help you create and stay in the perfect Mindset.

If you find yourself having negative thoughts you can immediately get a better attitude by shifting your body. Move around, straighten your shoulders, stretch, yawn, make some funny faces. Any of these little shifts will make a difference in how you will think. Our mind, body and spirit really are one, changing one part will automatically effect the other parts.

If negative thoughts persist, ask yourself what your positive intention is for having those thoughts. What I mean by this is: How do the negative thoughts serve you? What is their higher purpose? For example, if you are having thoughts of frustration, ask yourself how the frustration serves you on a higher level, or the anger, the sadness, etc. The answers usually are quite surprising and will give you a great insight what that feeling really wants for you.

If you deal with other people, who have negative behaviors towards you or others, just step into their shoes for a moment to figure out what must be going on inside them to have the kind of behaviors they are exhibiting. There is always a higher, positive intent for what they are doing. Give them credit that they are doing the best they can with the resources they have available at the moment.

If you deal with a person who has negative behaviors or thought patterns, just remember that the most flexible part in the system controls the environment (which cybernetics has proven). What that means is: The mindset of the person who is more flexible in the situation will prevail in the system. If the other person is mean, angry, critical, etc., you can change the interaction by being in a place of compassion, caring and love. They will automatically follow you.

If you catch yourself or others having negative thought patterns or behaviors, remember that you are just missing resources at that moment. All we need to get from point A to B are resources. If you are mad, angry, sad, etc. ask yourself, what resource you are missing in that moment. Is it freedom, love, peace, oneness, etc? Then think of a time when you truly had access to that resource. Remember that time, be there again. Give that resource to yourself right here and now where you need it.


To learn more about "The Perfect Mindset" join my FREE TELESEMINAR

Date: Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Time: 6:00 PM (MST)

Location: Your Telephone!

Investment: FREE (AMAZING!!!)

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